From El Paso to Dallas to Houston

Monday, April 19, 2010

Im here in Houston for another visit to MD Anderson. Relaxing finally after a long life changing weekend. Fernie's aunt Claudia passed away on Thursday so we drove to Dallas or specifically Wiley, TX to be with family and friends. It was nice to see everybody but unfortunate considering the circumstances. It's been an extremely devastating event to see Claudia go so quickly after only 2yrs especially knowing that we both had the same type of cancer. Its been uncanny the coincidences that her and I have had. Our name to start off, then we were both pregnant at the same time, her ex husband's name was Rogelio, my grandfather, brother, and dad are all named Rogelio, and then this God forsaken disease. Her husband Paul gave me a stack of books that she wanted me to have that she was reading before she passed. He gave us invaluable advice and put a lot of things in better perspective for us. Although extremely comforting, we still have a long journey ahead. Her's ended but mine is just beginning. While sitting in the waiting area at MD Anderson I heard a lady blurt out "The doctor says that triple negative breast cancer is the most aggressive type...." Uggh its like a knife to the throat hearing about mortality rates and the high chances of recurrence, etc. So Im trying to take a break from learning more about my disease. Anyone who knows me well knows that I have a need to learn about everything. I need to know how it works and why and so on. Today I was looking at my liver enzyme report with its enigmatic verbiage and I want to run to the internet and find out what they mean but I cant do that right now. I hate this.

Stage 4

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Well a week ago I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. According to my PET Scan it is in three other places as well placing me in stage 4. Tomorrow I am on my way to MD Anderson to be evaluated because my doctor here in El Paso is unsure as to know to proceed. Its devastating news to hear for someone my age and with fours kids but my faith has kept me strong this past week. I've got awesome support from my family and friends. A week ago there was no better way to describe my situation other than compare with that of standing there with my back to Red Sea and the Egyptian army advancing and waiting for God to come through with a miracle. Well he parted that sea for me and gave me some dry land to stand on I just have to have faith to keep walking it and faith that God will keep the water from coming down on me. MD Anderson called me back in one day, it usually takes 2 weeks for them to even review a case. So tomorrow I will be driving to Houston. Thank you to all that have showed your overwhelming support at a dreadful time in my life. Im glad I know who's been in my corner all along and who hasnt. Im in the war of my life with this thing and like my best bud said Im too stubborn to die.

I said Hello Hurricane

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

There has been many circumstances in my life this past month. Most of them painful and disappointing. Im not going to waste my time telling them all to you in detail. The pieces of my heart already know what my strife is so that's all that matters. In summary Monday I will be starting my new job and majorly looking forward to that. My new boss just proved to me how super cool he is, he just did me the BEST favor in the whole wide world right now and the funny part is that he has absolutely no idea he did anything. Well as some of you may know, I've been dealing with a health problem for the past month. I have several lumps in my right breast, swollen lymph nodes in several places and random nerve pain. I've been to three different doctors and all three are perplexed. Yesterday I went to get three test done and I didnt like what I saw. Just waiting on them to diagnose me and let me know what the next step is.

Hello Hurricane

Friday, January 15, 2010

Goodbye CHD!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I will be moving to another position within Glacier Technologies. OC sat me down a while ago to offer me advice on what I have to face when sharing an office with a bunch of loud (really loud) men. I felt like he was my daddy sending me off into the world for the first time. I guess I've been under his protection for so long and he's scared that someone will mistreat me. Its nice to be cared about for once, I never had a daddy to protect me so it all seems so endearing. I will miss him the most! I've convinced him to let me pass the torch to Frank who Im sure will take it and run victoriously. Thus ends the CHD chapter of my life. Although to use his own words OC assured me that I havent escaped his clutches yet.......


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Its surreal to have found myself in a social/business lunch outing with people from IBM this afternoon. I am extremely grateful to 'OC' for keeping me under his wing. I couldn't ask for better coworkers. While sitting around the table for lunch I realized I was the only woman there which made me feel a little out of place. You could tell 'AA' was nervous about being there, dont know why he's always so nonchalant. Tommorrow will be another day, more time with IBM poking and proding our operations and then business as usual on Monday.

5th folder, 5th picture of my PHOTOS folder.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I saw one of those internet dare thingies that tells you to go to your Pictures folder on your computer and choose the fifth folder and the fifth picture in there and post it and blog about it. I thought it might be interesting. Mainly I was curious about what would come up. Here it is.

Fernie and I carved this pumpkin for Leilani, since she really wasn't allowed to use sharp knives/implements at the time. The other day I saw her cutting an apple with a sharp knife and I almost freaked out, but then I realized she's gotta grow up and cut her own apples eventually. So anyway she chose this pumpkin herself from a pumpkin patch during a school field trip. When she came home she wanted to immediately carve it. She got to work sketching the cat face on a piece of paper and Fernie and I carved it out for her. We lit it and put it up in the front window. Im usually not really big on Halloween and jack-o-lanterns in particular but Leilani was so excited about it so I said what the heck, anything to see her smile.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

I haven't been feeling too well this weekend with my offset back and major heartburn and indigestion due to the stupid pills I have to take to keep from killing myself when my back starts hurting. I couldnt sleep last night so I spent all night soft modding my Wii. I installed the Homebrew Channel and gave it the capability of playing DVDs so I popped in Return of the King to test it out (That movie just brings back memories). Next goal, load ISOs from a USB Drive. Sweet. Now I can back up my games and the kids wont scratch a fifty dollar game and render it unusable.

Oryx yum yum

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pictured from left is Dave Calabretta, Gary, and Gavin Eaker.

Gary Eaker went on an oryx hunt and took down this 400lbs beast with a slightly broken horn. So far we've had oryx jerky, oryx Hamburger helper, oryx with gravy and this coming week we will have an oryx roast. Cant wait for that.
: (

Her Cuteness

Tuesday, May 26, 2009