Monday, April 19, 2010
Im here in Houston for another visit to MD Anderson. Relaxing finally after a long life changing weekend. Fernie's aunt Claudia passed away on Thursday so we drove to Dallas or specifically Wiley, TX to be with family and friends. It was nice to see everybody but unfortunate considering the circumstances. It's been an extremely devastating event to see Claudia go so quickly after only 2yrs especially knowing that we both had the same type of cancer. Its been uncanny the coincidences that her and I have had. Our name to start off, then we were both pregnant at the same time, her ex husband's name was Rogelio, my grandfather, brother, and dad are all named Rogelio, and then this God forsaken disease. Her husband Paul gave me a stack of books that she wanted me to have that she was reading before she passed. He gave us invaluable advice and put a lot of things in better perspective for us. Although extremely comforting, we still have a long journey ahead. Her's ended but mine is just beginning. While sitting in the waiting area at MD Anderson I heard a lady blurt out "The doctor says that triple negative breast cancer is the most aggressive type...." Uggh its like a knife to the throat hearing about mortality rates and the high chances of recurrence, etc. So Im trying to take a break from learning more about my disease. Anyone who knows me well knows that I have a need to learn about everything. I need to know how it works and why and so on. Today I was looking at my liver enzyme report with its enigmatic verbiage and I want to run to the internet and find out what they mean but I cant do that right now. I hate this.