Wednesday, February 24, 2010
There has been many circumstances in my life this past month. Most of them painful and disappointing. Im not going to waste my time telling them all to you in detail. The pieces of my heart already know what my strife is so that's all that matters. In summary Monday I will be starting my new job and majorly looking forward to that. My new boss just proved to me how super cool he is, he just did me the BEST favor in the whole wide world right now and the funny part is that he has absolutely no idea he did anything. Well as some of you may know, I've been dealing with a health problem for the past month. I have several lumps in my right breast, swollen lymph nodes in several places and random nerve pain. I've been to three different doctors and all three are perplexed. Yesterday I went to get three test done and I didnt like what I saw. Just waiting on them to diagnose me and let me know what the next step is.
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