Sunday, March 22, 2009
I went to Juarez to visit my sister yesterday even after all the "are you crazy" comments I got from everybody. The trip went without incident and I was glad to see my sister but sad that I have to leave her in that God forsaken city. Yes Juarez is a God forsaken city. Its hard to find anything good there sometimes; its there but in such small dosages. Something my sister told me just sent shivers up my spine and made me even more anxious of her being over there. It's absolutely shocking that no one obeys traffic lights or laws there! Man we had some close ones! Well we did actually hit a car because a parking attendant told us we had enough room to back up and my brother took his word for it, but luckily there was no damage on either car. My intent was to leave before darkfall (hence the title of this blog) which was a good choice because as soon as the sun started setting the police and the Mexican Army was out in full force. My brother was freaking out because he is not used to seeing soldiers with machine guns. When heading back to EP we almost got lost because streets over there are layed out so ridiculously. You can see where you want to go but the streets dont head in that direction so you are hopelessly trying to find out what street leads to where you are going. I plan to head over there more often to see her but the city makes me so uneasy. Its a predicament, but when I come back from there I always come with a new appreciation for my home and what I have been blessed with because over there, people live day to day and young women accept jobs from drugdealers who need the blood cleaned from their torture chambers just to make a buck ( or is it a peso). Dont ask because you dont want to know, Why are people so evil to each other?
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